Results: Secondary City Initiatives
The Cities and Migration programme has supported initiatives in Arua and Jinja (Uganda), Adama and Jigjiga (Ethiopia), Kairouan and Jendouba (Tunisia), Kakuma-Kalobeyei (Kenya), Gabiley and Borama (Somaliland, Somalia) and San Marcos and Amatitlán (Guatemala).
The results include:

New Evidence on Cities and Migration
Through research partnerships with the World Bank, the Refugees Study Centre at Oxford University, urban planning scholars, and global city initiatives, a wealth of evidence was produced on migration in secondary cities.
The research has provided international financing institutions with evidence-based information on how to leverage labour migration for equitable growth in secondary cities, and how local political leaders (and the international community) are acting on new data on refugees in secondary cities.
Advocacy and Migration at Urban Forums
Partner cities lobbied for greater mandates and financing for local migration management at key global events, including the Global Forum on Migration and Development and its Mayoral Mechanism. These forums relate to the Global Compact on Refugees and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework, Africities, the World Urban Forum, and the UN Secretary-General High-Level Panel on IDPs.
The Cities and Migration programme also facilitated peer learning, advocacy, and cooperation through organising regional and national forums.