From Response to Recovery to Resilience

This multi-phased programme aims to promote community-led urban development interventions in developing countries while supporting institutional and programmatic strengthening of slum dwellers organisations affiliated to SDI. 

The programme has transitioned from addressing the immediate social, economic and health responses of the Covid-19 pandemic to undertaking recovery and rebuilding initiatives to locally-led climate adaptation identified and prioritised by slum dweller federations aimed at increasing their resilience to withstand future shocks and stresses of informal living. 




The support to slum dwellers federations under the programme is provided across three workstreams.


Programme Workstreams

Supports organised urban poor movements to mobilise communities through savings groups to drive a collective, bottom-up change agenda for inclusive and resilient cities. 

This workstream provides resources to mobilise and support savings groups at the settlement level essential to building federation capacity and leadership to ensure greater strategic influence of slum dwellers as partners in urban development. 

In Phase I, this workstream provided humanitarian support and access to basic services. It strengthened livelihoods and improved health conditions in informal settlements. The workstream supported initiatives to restrict the spread of Covid-19, protect vulnerable populations against it, and upgrade and improve their basic services. 

Phase II focused on supporting savings and livelihood initiatives and building federation capacity and leadership, as well as continuing to improve infrastructure and access to basic services. 

Phase III focuses on providing support to ensure organised slum dwellers are better prepared to engage with authorities on locally-led climate change adaptation.

Supports mainstreaming local knowledge through community-led data capabilities in informal settlements, as well as youth-led advocacy through Know Your City TV. 

This workstream supports community-led data collection and mapping processes crucial for the identification, planning and implementation of locally-led climate adaptation and inclusive urban development. This workstream also supports slum dwellers to use their data to advocate for, communicate about and ensure the fundamental rights of slum dwellers are central to resilient and sustainable city development.

Supports the strategic, operational, and financial capacity of SDI affiliates to respond to local needs. 

This workstream supports staff training, peer-to-peer exchanges, strategic planning, and overhead support to ensure governance and accountability.

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