Deadline date:

24 Jul 2023

Application period: 26.06.2023 - 24.07.2023

Target audience: Local civil society organisations in Tunisia, Mauritania and Morocco

Grant duration: 7 months

Grant envelope : max. 45,000 USD

As part of the regional program Femmes et Villes Durables - améliorer l'accès à l'eau et la gestion de ressources, Cities Alliance has launched three calls for proposals to identify local NGOs as implementing partners in Kairouan (Tunisia), Sebkha (Mauritania) and Figuig (Morocco). The program is situated in the context of the climate crisis and the associated risks in cities, notably growing water shortages and their unequal impact on women. The program aims to foster sustainable, gender-sensitive management of water resources in cities, and to promote women as active agents of change in urban water crises.

To implement the program, Cities Alliance is looking to cooperate with local civil society. For more information on the objectives and results expected, the eligibility criteria, and the application requirements per call, please read the instructions and forms on the United Nations Global Marketplace website.

Job info