The Urban Mekong Corridor Dialogues are a cornerstone of the Urban Mekong Corridor Initiative, fostering collaboration among cities, local governments, civil society, and national and regional governance bodies. They provide a unique platform for peer learning, partnership building, and co-creating solutions that address the shared challenges of rapid urbanisation, climate change, and sustainable development.
Hosted twice annually by cities along the Mekong River, the Dialogues convene high-level representatives – including mayors, governors, civil society leaders, and technical experts – to share experiences, identify priorities, and align urban strategies with regional goals.
Themes such as solid waste management, green infrastructure, and inclusive economic growth are explored in action-oriented sessions and field visits, enabling cities to exchange knowledge and adopt best practices tailored to their unique contexts.
A key feature of the Dialogues is their focus on building transboundary solidarity and fostering innovative approaches that strengthen climate resilience, regional economic cooperation, and social cohesion. Migration dynamics are also considered, ensuring that cities can integrate new arrivals into their development plans in ways that promote inclusivity and economic productivity.
By creating a recurring platform for meaningful engagement, the UMCI Dialogues are helping Mekong cities chart a path toward inclusive and sustainable growth, where collective action strengthens urban resilience and drives long-term prosperity for the entire region.
The Dialogues are co-organised by Cities Alliance and UCLG ASPAC, which also convenes the ASEAN Mayors Forum (AMF). At the 2024 AMF in Vientiane, the UMCI was formally included in the AMF Action Plan 2025, reinforcing its role in regional urban development efforts.
Dialogue Publications
Building a Foundation for Collaboration
Held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, from 27-28 February 2024, the inaugural Dialogue sought to foster collaborative solutions and a paradigm shift towards sustainable urban development.
It brought together high dignitaries from the Mekong countries, including vice-ministers, governors, vice-governors, and mayors from 10 towns and cities along the Mekong Corridor. Intergovernmental bodies including the Mekong River Commission (MRC), civil society, private sector, and international development partners joined to contribute their experience and commitment.
This high-level participation demonstrates a strong regional commitment to tackling urban and environmental challenges collectively. It also underscores the significance of the Dialogue as a platform for fostering regional collaboration as well as sharing knowledge and best practices among cities and towns along the Urban Mekong Corridor.
The Dialogue’s agenda focused on several key areas: Promoting collaborative efforts to address interconnected challenges, establishing partnerships within the Urban Mekong Corridor network, and enhancing the capacity of towns and cities to develop comprehensive, competitive interventions.
A notable feature of the Dialogue was its emphasis on mentorship relationships with innovative cities in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. Such relationships facilitate replicating and accelerating effective strategies for urban development.