The Local Assessment Report: Local Economic Development for Equitable Growth in Gulu and Mbale Municipalities provides a situation analysis of the provision of public goods and services within the municipalities.


The Local Assessment Report: Local Economic Development for Equitable Growth in Gulu and Mbale Municipalities provides a situation analysis of the provision of public goods and services within the municipalities.

It was informed by a survey that set out to examine the socio-economic outcomes of the urban poor within the municipalities by providing an assessment of what hinders them from a more equitable participation in economic growth, and how public goods and services can be made more gender-responsive for inclusive growth.

The report is part of the Campaign Cities initiative of the Cities Alliance Joint Work Programme on Equitable Economic Growth in Cities. The initiative is aimed at supporting the promotion of equitable access to public goods and services through focus areas adapted to the specific needs and context as defined by city stakeholders in Mbale and Gulu respectively.


Report Info