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Migration Corridors: Grantee Gender Analysis

Cities Alliance's Resilient Systems of Secondary Cities and Migration Dynamics Programme supports six projects in key migration corridors in four countries, in partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC):
- The Berbera and Ethiopian Economic Corridors in Ethiopia;
- Amatitlán-San Marcos in Guatemala;
- The Kairouan and Tataouine-Medenine corridors in Tunisia; and
- The Greater Jinja Corridor and West Nile in Uganda.
Local city stakeholders worked with the Cities Alliance to design the projects. Each grantee partnered with a women's organisation to undertake a gender analysis so that the project approach would have a strong gender focus.
The analyses aimed to better understand how to improve labour market integration and provide gender-responsive delivery of basic services for migrants, displaced persons, and host communities.
Through the process, Cities Alliance also sought to build the capacity of grantees to include gender considerations in project design and foster new gender-transformative partnerships.
This report provides an overview of the six gender analyses and their findings. There is also a brief with highlights of the findings.