Following the tools Her4Climate and Her4Water, Cities Alliance released its third tool to empower women participation in a traditionally male dominated sector: energy management.



With the global energy demand expected to double by 2050 to meet our needs, the future of energy is crucial for the ecological transition. How can we make this surge in demand sustainable? 

As the global energy sector shifts towards cleaner and renewable resources that are less harmful for the environment, such as advanced biomass cookstoves or energy issued from sources replenishing naturally, it is crucial to ensure women’s needs are taken into consideration and their voices heard for a just and equitable energy transition. Traditionally excluded from energy decision-making processes, they are often the most affected by household energy consumption.

In the poorest parts of the globe, women and girls still spend hours collecting biomass for fuels, limiting their educational and economic opportunities. Indoor pollution from open stoves is responsible for 3,7 million premature deaths a year, amongst whom women, girls and children are the first victims. Solutions are available, but policies rarely take women's perspectives into consideration with women making up for only 32% of STEM graduates worldwide, and 22% of the global energy workforce.

To address this lack of representation and participation in the sector, Cities Alliance developed the Her4Energy tool on the model of Her4Climate and Her4Water tools. Her4Energy encourages the collaboration of diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, community leaders, and private sector partners, to create energy solutions that are both innovative and equitable. 

Through an inclusive and participative approach empowering girls and women to actively participate and take leadership in the energy sector, the tool aims to bridge the gender gap in energy access and empower women as key agents of change in the transition to sustainable energy systems. 

Outlining the necessary steps and considerations for conducting a comprehensive and local assessment, Her4Energy is a tool for women to voice their concerns, needs, and expectations are included in future energy decisions within their communities.


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