
23 July 2010

Dear Consultative Group Members,

Warm greetings from a sweltering Washington DC.

1. UCLG Africa

This is a very brief email, with two items - the first is an announcement from UCLG, outlining recent progress in Africa, where there is now one, representative body with new leadership, and headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.  The Cities Alliance both provided financial support to, and was represented at, the UCLG Pan-African Assembly held in Abjua in March 2010.

Download Cities Alliance Results UCLG Pan-African Assembly in Abuja (36 KB


2. Consultative Group meeting: Mexico City, November 2010

As was announced at our Mumbai CG Meeting in January, UCLG willl  be co-hosting this year's CA Annual Meetings in Mexico City in parallel with its "Local and Regional Leaders Summit".

Please diarise the dates for the Cities Alliance Meetings:

15 - 18 November 2010

Details in regards to the agenda,  hotel and weekly schedule of events will follow in September.

With my best wishes,




William Cobbett
Cities Alliance
1818H Street, NW
Washington DC