What: Citiscope.org survey
Who: All audiences
When: 5 November 2010
[26 October 2010] -- Citiscope.org is a global news service focused on breakthroughs, trends and innovations in cities worldwide. Its mission is to help inform and inspire action by officials and citizen innovators across this fast-urbanising globe.
Founded by professional journalists and closely allied with the World Urban Campaign, Citiscope.org aims to provide reliable, journalist fact-checked innovation stories from cities around the world, featured on the web (www.citiscope.org) and offered to media. The core goal: better informed, more successful cities across the globe.
The beta version of Citiscope.org was launched at the World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro earlier this year with reports from independent journalists in Chicago, Berlin, Singapore and São Paulo. One of the articles featured on the beta website, “No Excuses Slum Upgrading”, highlights a globally-relevant toolkit on slum upgrading developed in São Paulo with Cities Alliance support. Articles have since been added from Istanbul, Barcelona, New Orleans and Athens.
Citiscope.org is currently conducting a brief survey to determine how best to spread the news of city innovations to city builders everywhere. It is seeking feedback from NGOs, corporations, foundations, citizens and cities themselves in the areas of content, focus and features to structure a service that’s highly informative, self-sustaining, and makes a difference in our urbanising world.
The survey takes approximately ten minutes and can be filled out online at http://citiscope.org/2010-survey or by going to www.citiscope.org and checking the link prominent in the right column. The deadline for the survey is 5 November 2010.