COP26 is the 2021 United Nations climate change conference, a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change. Hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, the conference will take place in Glasgow, from 31 October to 12 November 2021. Many believe it to be the world’s best last chance to get runaway climate change under control.
Together with members and partners, Cities Alliance will have a strong presence during the event through a series of thought-provoking sessions that will explore the intersection between climate change and informality from different angles.
The climate crisis is already causing loss and damage for so many people and while we may all be in the same storm; we are definitely not all in the same boat. COP26 is an opportunity and a time to move from commitments to real urgent action.
Elizabeth Wathuthi, Global South Co-Chair of the COP26 Civil Society and Youth Advisory Council. Founder of The Green Generational Initiative, Kenya.
Around the world storms, floods and wildfires are intensifying. Air pollution affects the health of tens of millions of people and unpredictable weather causes untold damage to homes and livelihoods too. But while the impacts of climate change are devastating, advances in tackling it are leading to cleaner air, creating good jobs, restoring nature and at the same time unleashing economic growth.
Despite the opportunities, we are not acting fast enough. To grip this crisis, countries need to join forces urgently. COP 26 will be an opportunity to finalise the detailed rules that make the Paris Agreement operational and accelerate action to tackle the climate crisis through collaboration between governments, businesses and civil society.
For those countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change who are already seeing their homes disappear under water and their crops decimated by drought - COP26 simply can’t be another talking shop.
Alok Sharma, COP26 President
COP26 Goals
- Secure global net-zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach;
- Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats;
- Mobilise finance and work together to deliver.

At COP26, the Cities Alliance Secretariat will co-host and participate in the following events (UK time):
Urban informality and inequality: a call for global climate justice. 2 November - 10:00 am. In partnership with CLGF and UKRI. Green zone.
Urban Resilience and the NDCs: How should the urban resilience practice evolve to unlock the full potential of the NDCs. 9 November - 11:15 am. In partnership with ARUP, UN-Habitat, University of Southern Denmark and Resilient Cities Network. Blue zone.
Stronger Partnerships- Local Innovations for New Climate Realities - Lessons from Bangladesh. 10 November - 10:00 am. In partnership with Climate Action. Innovation zone.
Cities built4climate - Shaping the global transformation in construction. 11 November - 11:30 am. Hosted by German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). German Pavillion.
Cities 4 Children: Our climate, our future – an intergenerational dialogue. 11 November - 2:00 pm. In partnership with Global Alliance - Cities 4 Children (ICLEI, UN-Habitat, SDI, UCLG, Habitat for Humanity Intnl., UNICEF, Arup, UNHCR, BYCS , Save the Children, FIA Foundation, NACTO – GDCI, Bernard van Leer Foundation, World Vision, and Plan International). Green Zone
How can we decarbonise our built world: lessons from experiments across the world. 11 November - 5:00 pm. Hosted by Icebreaker One. Green Zone
UCLG Policy Council on Safer, Resilient and Sustainable Cities, Capable of Facing Crises. 11 November - 2:30 pm. Hosted by UCLG and Global Task Force Local and Regional Governments.
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