Nearly a decade after the Paris Agreement, delegations from around the world will convene in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11–22 November 2024 for the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
As global temperatures continue increasing, resulting in unprecedented, costly and deadly extreme heat, droughts and flooding, leaders from national and local governments, civil society, and the private sector will convene to assess progress and advance more concrete solutions.
A key focus of COP29 is finance as the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG) will be under negotiation and updates on the trillions of dollars needed for a just, green and resilient transition will be highlighted.
The urban poor, and women in particular, are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change but they also have the potential to be important allies in national and local mitigation efforts and are critical to the success of global agendas.
However, without the necessary finance, these critical communities will suffer even greater consequences and be left behind to contend with the climate crisis.
Cities Alliance is committed to supporting local communities to lead climate action on the ground for more resilient and robust cities and to create space at global events for their voices ot be heard.
At COP29, we’re amplifying a key message: global climate action must include the urban poor, who remain among the most vulnerable to its impacts.
Our main message at this COP is that there is insufficient climate financing targeting and reaching the urban poor and this needs to be remedied. When the urban poor have access to finance, they create sustainable and lasting change that increases livelihoods, conserves the environment, increases food and water security and improves the health and well-being of all members of the community.
Cities Alliance will ensure this message is heard in the events we are co-organizing with partners and by contributing to key panel discussions.
*All events are indicated in local time (Baku UTC+4)
Events we are hosting or co-hosting:
16 November, 11:15-12:00. Innovation and Informality: Community-led Climate Action in Cities. This event gathers various voices on community-led climate action, focusing on why climate action in informal settlements should be high on the agenda. The session will also highlight the importance of acknowledging and supporting innovation championed by local actors and youth, who rarely receive much recognition. In partnership with Slum Dwellers International .SDG Pavilion, C4 Blue Zone
19 November, 9:30-10:30. Cities for Her: Gender-inclusive Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems (WEFE) Climate Solutions. This event will launch the toolkit 'Her4WEFE: Gender Perspectives on Urban Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems' and highlight practical approaches for applying a gender-sensitive approach to the WEFE nexus in cities. SEforALL Pavilion, G12a, Blue Zone
19 November, 13:00-13:40. How Much (or Little) Climate Finance is Reaching the Urban Poor? The event will launch a Cities Alliance new report 'Climate Finance for the Urban Poor: A Review of the Global Climate Funds', and draw attention to the insufficient amount of climate finance targeting the urban poor. Diverse voices representing the urban development sector, donor organizations, and civil society who work closely with the urban poor will discuss some of the challenges as well as how effective climate action can be when informality and the urban poor are at the centre of these efforts. In partnership with Sida and Slum Dwellers International. Swedish Pavilion, Blue Zone.
20 November, 17:00-18:00. Community-led Climate Adaptation and Action in Informal Settlements. This webinar will share experiences of locally-led climate adaptation and sustainable construction initiatives led by civil society organizations in informal settlements in Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zambia. In partnership with Slum Dwellers International, SDI. Online.
Events we are contributing to:
Friday, 15 November
- 15:45–16:45. Resilience Innovation in Informality through Scaling Entrepreneurship and Driving Finance, hosted by SDI.
Wednesday, 20 November
- 10:30–11:30. Shelter and Equity: An Inclusive Dialogue on Disasters and Housing Improvements, hosted by Build Change.
Thursday, 21 November
- 9:00–10:30. Special Session on Informality, hosted by Climate Champions.