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High-Level Dialogue and Book Launch: Secondary Cities Post COVID-19

Event on 19 March, 2:00-4:30 pm CET

This event will be held to celebrate the legacy of the outgoing director of Cities Alliance William (Billy) Cobbett, and to launch the global report Secondary Cities Post COVID-19 – Achieving Urban Sustainable and Regenerative Development in Emerging Economies.
The publication has been developed as a farewell tribute to Billy Cobbett’s work and his contribution to shaping more inclusive cities throughout his career. This high-level event will provide the opportunity to reflect upon the legacy and the future of international development cooperation in support of Secondary Cities.
Facilitated by the Rt. Hon. Clare Short, Chair of the Cities Alliance Management Board, and Julian Baskin, Principal Urban Advisor, the event will be divided into two sections:
- The first one will be a high-level dialogue 20 Years of Cities Alliance - A Tribute to Billy Cobbett. This session will include the participation of senior representatives from national and regional governments, multilateral organizations and representatives from local government associations.
- The second one will be a panel discussion with senior urban experts on the key findings of the book Secondary Cities Post COVID-19 - Sustainable and Regenerative Development in Emerging Economies.
- Ms Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
- Mr Klaus Toepfer, Former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), former German Federal Minister for the Environment and Federal Minister for Regional Planning and Urban Development
- Mr Mark Hildebrand, Founding Director of Cities Alliance
- Ms Emilia Saiz, Secretary-General of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
- Mr Sameh Wahba, Global Director Urban Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice, World Bank
- Mr Anibal Gaviria Correa, President of Cities Alliance
- Mr William Jiyana, Chief Director, Stakeholder and Intergovernmental Relations, Department of Human Settlements, South Africa.
- Mr Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary-General, United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA)
- Ms Beth Chitekwe-Biti, Acting Managing Director, Slum Dwellers International
- Prof. Emeritus Brian Roberts, Director, Urban Frontiers
- Ms Renu Khosla, Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence, India
- Mr Stefan Atchia, Manager Urban Development Division, African Development Bank
- Ms Tatiana Gallego Lizon, Division Chief, Housing and Urban Development, Inter-American Development Bank.