The New Urban is a collection of essays on emerging urban themes in Asia, including women, aging, resilience and secondary cities.

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The New Urban is a collection of essays on emerging urban themes in Asia, including women, aging, resilience and secondary cities. Edited by Jorge Carillo Rodriguez, the publication was produced by Oxfam as part of its urban framework. 

The essays developed out of the Asia Development Dialogue (ADD), a platform started in 2012 to promote multidisciplinary analysis and debate regarding a limited number of prioritised and cross-cutting issues that have longer-term implications for social and economic development in Asia – especially issues that may be highly relevant but have not yet been systemically addressed through this type of learning forum. It is a collaboration between Oxfam, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (Singapore), with support from the Rockefeller Foundation. 

Embracing the importance of collective thinking, multidisciplinary analysis and joint solutions in tackling the critical challenges confronting Asia today, the ADD project leverages the expertise and networks of each consortium member to gather diverse stakeholders from government, the private sector, academia, media and civil society onto the same platforms. 

The topics included in this publication emerged during various ADD meetings that took place in 2013 focusing on the challenges and opportunities of secondary cities. The publication is not intended to be a report or a collection of in-depth analytical papers but rather an exploration of questions that the ADD discussions brought to the surface. This collection both highlights emerging issues and provides different perspectives on persistent issues.

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