
Dear Executive Committee,

Attached please find the following documentation for the 6 November 2011 meeting of the Cities Alliance EXCO.  Also attached is an overview of the week's events.


1- Agenda draft as of 1 November
2- Report from previous EXCO meeting, July 2011 in Accra
3- Independent evaluation, inception report
4- Business Plan draft
5- Cities Alliance Charter, with tracked changes since Mexico City
6- Financial and Budget Report, FY11-FY12
7- Country Programmes workflow and approval process
8- Catalytic Fund Briefing for CG - Towards a new call for applications
9- Cities Alliance Portfolio Review 2000-2011


Download a consolidated binder of the EXCO meeting documentation



More information about the week's events will be forthcoming.


Best regards,

Kevin Milroy, Sr. Operations Officer and Deputy Programme Manager
Cities Alliance
1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA
Tel. (+1 202) 473-5264 Fax. (+1 202) 522-3224