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Brazil joined the Cities Alliance in 2004. The Brazilian government is represented at the Alliance by the following organisations:
Ministry of Cities
Created by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2003, the Ministry of Cities is responsible for urban development policy and sectoral policies for housing, sanitation and urban transportation.
Created by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2003, the Ministry of Cities is responsible for urban development policy and sectoral policies for housing, sanitation and urban transportation.
Ministério Das Cidades
Setor de Autarquias Sul - Quadra 01, lote 01/06, bloco "H" Ed. Telemundi II - CEP 70070-010 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil Tel: + 55 61 2108-1414 E-mail: mcidades@cidades.gov.br www.cidades.gov.br |
CAIXA Econȏmica Federal
CAIXA is a major government-owned financial institution that provides banking products and services in Brazil. Its activities include real estate loans, basic sanitation, urban infrastructure, and commercial banks. It also pays social benefits such as unemployment and operates the country’s lottery.
CAIXA Econômica Federal
SBS Quadra 4, lotes 3/4, 21^ andar 70.070-140 Brasilia, D.F. Brazil Tel: + 55 61 3206-9814 e + 55 61 3206-9436 Fax: + 55 61 3206-9767 e +55 61 3206-9732 E-mail: vigov@caixa.gov.br; sudes@caixa.gov.br; geast@caixa.gov.br www.caixa.gov.br |